Welcome Pack designs
for Scouts of all ages

Kevin & Chloe at the Scouting Association felt it was time young Scouts had access to a decent welcome pack to onboard them properly. How could we design an exciting physical experience that would match the discovery-led adventure of the movement?
Lovers were invited to re-design all welcome packs. The Scouting Movement has evolved a lot since Sir Baden Powell first published ‘Scouting for Boys’ back in 1908. Each age group needed its own age-appropriate welcome pack to introduce them to the movement.

Growing up
For continuity between age-groups we used a typeface that could visibly “grow up” over time and develop into something stronger and more sure of its form. Illustrations and colours would add further age-differentiating signposts, bringing continuity but also flexibility.

Made for Sharing
Scouts of different ages lead different lives. If you’re a cub, a little pocket book comes in quite handy. But if you’re a little beaver scout you’re more interested in storybooks that sit well across two adjacent laps. We designed our formats accordingly, tailored by age.