Design District

Filling Design Heaven
with talented tenants

It’s not every day a new creative quarter opens up in London. But how do you summon an entire community out of thin air? We helped Design District devise an effective digital campaign to attract tenants towards its amazing new spaces. The secret? Less is more.


Lovers were invited to come up with a campaign that would tactfully pique the interest of London’s creative companies to come and book a tour at Design District: an amazing new array of permanent creative workspaces. Digitally focused, conversion to enquiries would be key.



We helped Design District imagine its audience, enlisting a media agency to help bring structure to the market segmentation and paid digital media choices. Key audience criteria included decision-making status or influence at creative companies, and a set of industry categories.


Tease and tempt

We knew imagination was one of our audience’s strengths, so we used it. Rather than leading with the CGI visuals of Design District available at the time, we showed very little. Instead we led with copy that mimicked a decision-maker’s thought process, toying with the idea of visiting.

“The work that Lovers did really nicely played with the idea of not revealing too much about Design District whilst giving clues in the messaging. I don’t think you could really have come up with a better campaign.”

Wiets Helwig, Marketing Manager (Design District)